Strong as a Mutha


Jenn DiMarino is the owner of Crossfit Finest in Metuchen NJ.  “Our goal is to help people of all backgrounds, fitness levels, ages, and limitations with their health and fitness goals whatever they may be.” She is a mom of two boys, age 2 and a newborn, and hopes to be a model for kindness and treating all people with love and respect.  “I am teaching them to respect everyone regardless of their background, especially women. I feel that the greatest gift I can give the world is well raised young men who are taught to respect people and women.”

From Coach to Owner

The entrepreneurial spirit was passed down to Jenn from her father, an Italian immigrant who acquired the American Dream creating his own business.  She worked in the family business post college, and as the only woman in the business with her Dad and Uncles it was difficult for her to be assertive and have her opinions heard.  Jenn knew that she needed more independence and when the opportunity to own her own business presented itself, she took the leap. In 2017, Jenn emerged as the new owner of Crossfit Finest where she had been coaching.  “My inspiration for owning a business was working here as a coach and thinking of innovative ways to improve the business. I was getting frustrated and thought, maybe I need to be the one to create change.”

“There are times when people are questioning my decisions and I know that if I were a man it wouldn’t be happening.

Being a female leader in this male-dominated industry is a constant challenge for Jenn.   “It makes me angry sometimes, but I just brush it off and carry on. I have to remember that I can’t make everyone happy, winning respect can’t be my main goal, and I must have confidence in knowing that everything I do is done with thought and planning.  Sometimes I have to just say this is what we are doing….DONE!”

Creating a Cultural Identity

“My father was born in Italy and immigrated to America when he was 10.  My mother is Polish, Russian, and Austrian. I socially identify as American, but our holidays and family time is very much Italian. I know so much about keeping Italian traditions alive but there aren’t any cultural connections from the other side, with the exception of Judaism.”  Many of Jenn’s extended family members perished in the Holocaust resulting in the dissolution of those family traditions. She is raising her family with her husband as American. “There are some traditions that we will keep like certain foods, but we don’t have to do things the way they were done before if it’s not going to add to our lives. We can create our own traditions, and my parents get frustrated with me because I don’t want to do everything the same way they did them.  I am going to simply love on my kids the best that I can and make sure my kids know that I love them and support them always.”

The Pendulum Swing: Balancing Motherhood and Self-Care

I struggled with giving up the competitive side of me to become a mom.  I’ve been having kids for two years now and my body just isn’t the same. I know I will get back there, but it is hard.  And I have to remember that I’m giving birth and running a business.

“Balance is tough, and I push myself too much sometimes. I have nothing to give if I don’t refresh.  I lost myself in the business and found I had nothing left to give. So, I started taking a step back, doing self-care, taking time for meal prep, or even taking a nap. Realizing the value of taking care of myself.  I want to teach other women that when you come in here, you are doing something for yourself which will help your family.”

Jenn decided that she wanted her children to have a mother that is healthy, strong, and happy. Recently giving birth to her second child, she is now realizing the importance of leaning more on her staff and building their capacity.  When reflecting on balance, Jenn says “ balance is perfectionism and guilt. I am improving on the guilt because I drove myself into the ground my first year here. Honestly, I did too much. I got engaged, married, bought a house, adopted 2 dogs, got pregnant right away, and bought a business…because I’m crazy! So, just realizing that all of those things are great and wonderful, but you can’t add everything to your life at once. I have learned to delegate and ask for help. My husband works a lot of hours so I didn’t tell him I needed help. I now focus on communicating my needs with him so he can know what’s happening and how he can help.”

Hope for the Future

Jenn is proud of her entrepreneurial talents and being a role model for her children. Her strength, determination, and desire to create a sense of positivity and physical wellness for her clients drives her to continue growing the business and having an impact in the Crossfit Community.  “My hope for women is for them to be judged for their abilities without the interference of preconceived notions. I can’t tell you the number of times people ask me if I work with my husband at the gym and then look surprised when I say that I am the sole owner. It shouldn’t be a surprise.”

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