
(noun) the capacity to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events.

Within our Power section, you will find articles that discuss sources women use to instill and convey their self-actualization, independence and influence.

When we act with intention, everything we do can become meaningful, purposeful, and socially significant.

Every. Choice. Matters.

From the color lipstick you decide to wear, to the belief systems you decide to encourage upon your children, to the actions you take at work, and your contributions within your community and family — You have power. How are you using it?

We’d love to hear of what you use to convey your power.

Please leave us a comment! We want to discuss and learn from our readers.

What Gives You Power?

How does your power translate into your daily life?

Family life?

Profession & Community?

Enter your information below with a message. We want to know what enables you to feel and perform at your very best.

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