3 Moves to Jumpstart Your Fit Lifestyle


When I was working fulltime outside of the home, I had spurts of consistent gym time. But, with all of the demands that being a mom brings, it can be challenging to find time for consistent exercise.

I would schedule time for working out, but a life event would arise and my planned exercise was immediately replaced.

Overtime, I realized that I was not making the same commitment to my personal fitness as I was to other facets of my life. Not dedicating myself to weekly exercise was no longer acceptable. I had to set a goal to find easier and more practical ways to incorporate physical fitness into my life, and at least three times per week.

Fitness and physical activity are essential to the elongation of our lives, inner peace, and prosperity.  I believe women have an innate mental strength that should be matched with physical prowess.  If you find yourself on the roller coaster that is consistent exercise, the following routine can get you started to living a longer, stronger, and completely fulfilled life!

Personal Trainer, Wali Broadway of Metuchen NJ (@broadway_strong), recommends the following 3 moves to jumpstart your fit lifestyle.  Wali created these moves to be at-work and in-home friendly. I do these moves in the comfort of my own living room and at any time of the day.

1. Jumping Jacks

Jumping Jacks are a great way to get your heart rate up and burn calories.  Within three minutes of vigorous jumping jacks, one can burn 30-40 calories (1).  Increased heart rate causes the body to burn more calories and burn fat, which results in weight loss. By breathing deeply while performing jumping jacks, blood circulation is improved and oxygenates your blood and muscles (2).

Do for 30 seconds. Rest.


2. Star Ankle Touch

The Star Ankle Touch is a standing core move that will strengthen your abdominal muscles and stretch your obliques. When performing this move, you will want to reach down with a slightly bent knee while maintaining a tight core for the duration of the exercise.


Continue for 30 seconds and rest.


3. Squats

Squats are a leg exercise, but they promote body-wide muscle building by catalyzing an anabolic environment. They are known as one of the best functional exercises, as squats work both mobility and balance; essentials needed to complete mom-life activities with ease. Squats burn more fat since developing more muscle is a direct correlation to calorie burning (3)


Continue for 30 seconds and then rest.


Combining these three moves and repeating 4-5 times will result in a fat burning, muscle building routine that will Jump Start you back into Fitness!  Let’s Go Ladies…Time to GET FIT!


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1 Responses
  • Kelli Smith
    January 11, 2018

    Awesome post. This is great and so important for us busy Mama’s; making time for ourselves! Definitely committing more time to my health and wellness this year. Afterall, if we’re not at our best how can we provide and be present for our family?

    Thank you for this and your entire Blog! This site is really inspiring a “New Me for the New Year!”

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