3 Quick Moves to Lose Weight at Work


Being a Mom that works outside of the home is a tremendous challenge.  Balancing the business of home life and career can seem impossible most days but somehow it all seems to get done, right?  How do you incorporate fitness into to your daily schedule? I know I struggled with this when I was working outside of the home clocking in my 40-50 hours of work per week.  Exercise took a backseat to everything else happening in my chaotic world.

One day I was talking with a colleague and she looked at her clock, stood up mid conversation and began to do 10 squats.  I thought she was insane! I said, what are you doing?  She said, I am doing ten squats at the top of each hour to try and get exercise in daily.  Astonished, I thought, that is an amazing concept!  So, at the next hour I decided to join in on the fun.  At the end of that work day, I had completed 80 squats and while still dressed in my business attire!  I learned a practical way to commit to an element of physical fitness every day.


Personal Trainer Wali Broadway, of Broadway Fitness (@broadway_strong) in New Jersey, highlights 3 Quick Moves to Lose Weight at Work.


1. Upper Body: Briefcase Curls

Ladies, I know you carry a heavy bag to work filled with who knows what AND a handbag AND a computer bag.  All of those bags combined are probably close to 30lbs of weight.  Guess what ladies…you’ve been weight lifting daily and didn’t even know it!  These briefcase curls will give your once mundane work bags a purpose and fabulous arms!


Do 10-15 reps and Repeat up to 4 times per day. 


2. Core: Briefcase Teapots

Using the same work bag, you can also do a standing ab workout that is sure to develop core strength.



Do about 10 reps on each side. Repeat up to four times per day.


3. Lower Body: Squats

Squats are the gift that keep on giving! This simple move slims down your lower body, builds strength, and works your core.  Squats can be easily done in the privacy of your office or even in the bathroom!


Do 10 reps at the top of each hour.


These 3 quick moves will have you losing weight and toning up without even breaking a sweat! Get up and get moving ladies, no more excuses!

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